Private Duty Nursing

Ostomy and
Stoma Care


Wound Care


Ostomy and
Stoma Care


Wound Care


Caring for a loved one with a chronic condition while maintaining your own life can be hard to handle alone.

You want to make sure your loved one gets the medical care they need, along with a level of attention, social interaction, and personal assistance that provide a fulfilling daily life.

Making frequent visits to the doctor’s office quickly becomes impractical. Perhaps you’ve looked into nursing facilities or other assisted living facilities, but you don’t feel institutional care is what’s best for your loved one.

Don’t worry — you have another option. At-home private duty nursing, also known as visiting nursing, can provide your loved ones with quality ongoing care while they stay in the comfort of their own home. With private duty nursing services, you can have peace of mind knowing your loved one is well cared for throughout each day.

At Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, we provide private duty nursing care for clients who require specialized ongoing care. Our team members are thoughtful and licensed professionals, experts in providing ongoing home health care for those with chronic medical conditions.

Contact Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services to talk to one of our team members about high-quality private duty nursing today.

Your visiting private duty nurse can provide:

  • Management of chronic illness
  • Development of treatment plans
  • Administration of medication
  • Ongoing assessment of a client’s medical status
  • Assistance with daily tasks and activities
  • Companionship and conversation
  • Assistance with care documentation and paperwork

What Is a Private Duty Nurse?

A private duty nurse is a Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) who provides specialized nursing care for clients with ongoing medical conditions that require a specialized level of expertise.

Private duty nursing is distinct from skilled nursing visits, in that, while both provide much of the same medical treatment, a skilled nursing visit typically involves a shorter time period with a specific end point to help clients recover from acute illnesses.

Private duty nursing, on the other hand, is more appropriate for clients with ongoing, chronic conditions. It typically involves care between 8 and 24 hours per day for a longer overall time period.

Private duty nurses can manage everything from tracheostomy care to wound care. Their extensive skill set helps ensure clients receive the advanced care they need without an extended stay at a hospital or nursing facility.

Responsibilities of Private Duty Nursing

The responsibilities of a private duty nurse typically involve assisting with daily care routines and long-term medical treatment, sometimes involving specialized devices and equipment.

Some of these responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

  • Managing tracheostomy care
  • Respiratory therapy and care for clients who use a ventilator
  • Management of tube feedings and administering medication, including IV therapy and injections
  • Handling wound and dressing care
  • Hospice care
  • Monitoring of vital signs through blood pressure readings, pulse readings, and listening to the heart

In addition, our visiting nurses can provide a level of comfort and companionship, plus assistance with daily routines, like getting dressed, bathing, toileting, and eating meals.

Benefits of Hiring a Private Duty Nurse

When you hire a private duty nurse, you give your loved one the best quality of life when they need it most, while giving yourself the time you need to maintain the important aspects of your own life.

The consistent, high-quality nursing care that your visiting nurse administers ensures your loved one gets the best level of medical care and feels the reassurance of being in a comfortable setting.

How to Pay for Visiting Nursing Services

You might be wondering if insurance will cover our private duty nursing services. In many instances, Medicaid or private pay insurance carriers can help. Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services accepts many insurance plans, making the process of getting specialized care easier and more accessible.

Please contact us for more information on assistance with payment for private duty nursing.

Quality, Compassionate Private Duty Nursing Services in NJ, PA, and DE.

Find your loved one the region’s best home health care professionals at Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services. Our licensed RNs and LPNs will provide top-quality nursing expertise, with experience and compassion. We’ll help develop and carry out a personalized plan for the health and well-being of your loved one.

For more information, or to get started with at-home private duty care today, please contact our team or find a Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services location near you.

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